Next year, which liability is projected to have experienced the second highest percentage change in value compared with last year?
Today’s prices for Share A and Share C (in Euros) respectively represent a 15% decrease and a 22% increase on the price (in Euros) one year ago. What were the respective prices a year ago (to the nearest Euro)?
What is the average difference between the total Non-Current Liabilities and the total Current Liabilities for the 3 years shown (to the nearest £million)?
An order valued at £14,350 is placed for FLAC 4T units at a sales price that is £0.85 below the norm. What is the profit on this order?
The previous year’s average number of Portuguese units sold per quarter was 20% higher than the year shown. What was the previous year’s average number of Portuguese units sold per quarter?
For the company which achieved the highest sales per number of their stores in France, what was their sales value across the five countries combined?
The Pension payments figure for each year is based upon the following numbers of ex-employees drawing a pension: 8,155 (previous year); 8,240 (current year); 8,325 (next year). What is the average pension payable across the 3 years shown (to the nearest £1,000)?
What was the unit sales ratio of Austrian Quarter 4 : Portugal Quarter 1: Greek Quarter 4?
What was the global income for Quew plc in 2008 (to the nearest £100,000)?
The economic recession is predicted to decrease the total retail sales in Germany, Ireland and Italy by 7.2%, 9% and 4.6% respectively. What total sales value is predicted in Germany, Ireland and Italy combined?
From 2006 to 2007 Attributable profit increased at double the percentage rate as it did between 2005-2006. What was the Attributable profit figure for 2005?
Next year’s projected figures need to be corrected by adding an additional 4% for inflation. What is next year’s corrected total Non-Current Liabilities?
For products A, B, C and D combined, which region had a sales value different from the other regions in Year 2?
A trader has 200,000 Share Bs to sell at today’s price and today plans to split her proceeds equally into an investment in Share A and Share D. In how many Share As and Share Ds does the trader invest?
Which shares have increased and decreased respectively in value by the largest percent from yesterday to today?
A dealer buys 250 Share Ds and 350 Share Es at yesterday’s prices and sells these at today’s prices. How much profit or loss does the dealer make?
Which product code has the highest profit margin? (Assume Profit margin = Sales price – Production costs).
In 2011, if Adjusted earnings increase by an eighth and there is a 2:3 ratio of (2011 Adjusted earnings: 2011 Cash flow), what will be the Cash flow in 2011?
The 5 regions shown represent UK product sales, which is one-quarter of the value of US product sales and 50% of the value of Asian product sales. What are Year 2’s total product sales for all 3 territories combined?
Which country met or exceeded its annual target for unit sales?